"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, August 8, 2011

Chad's Big Bike Ride

Chad's pretty busy, so I'm going to write about his bike ride-- maybe I'll have him check it over so I don't lead you down any wrong paths. :)

It was a 3 day trip last week with a group from church. They went along the Allegheny Passage and the C&O Canal towpath. He actually rode 142 miles in all. Had a great time.

Downtown Cumberland, where they stayed at a B&B the first night.

They ate at a couple good restaurants for supper. This one had a creative name for a restaurant that specializes in crab and pork.

Some of the group at a devotions spot the 2nd morning. They stopped for lunch along the way each day, just eating snacks.


They saw lots of great wildlife. Hundreds of turtles.

PawPaw Tunnel-- about 3/5 of a mile-- very dark in the middle-- they walked their bikes.

Weird raccoon. Chad even got a video of this thing shambling down the path and then off into the weeds. Aren't they supposed to sleep during the day? Don't they usually move faster? What's the deal with this one?

Beaver evidence?

Chad was scouting out some places for us to stay for our next vacation.

We met him in Williamsport. The original plan was for him to keep riding on to Shepherdstown and then hitch a ride back with some others. However, right about then, it started raining, and it didn't look like a little quickie. Chad had already gotten drenched a little earlier in the day, but didn't relish the idea of riding all the way to Shepherdstown in the rain; so he just rode his bike home from there. In the rain. He ended up pretty soaked!

142 miles total. Rockwood, PA, to Falling Waters, WV.

And 11 hours 21 minutes of riding time. Good job, honey!

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