"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm a Quitter

I'm giving up on the potty-training. I've been at it 4 hours. :)

Not because I'm sick of it, but I'm convinced he's not ready. Just doesn't have the bladder control yet.

We started at 7:30am. By 9am, I got him to pee into the potty, and he figured out how to release it. He was pretty proud of himself after he figured out that was the goal in this process-- and he liked the 2 choc chips he got as a reward.

By 9:30 or so I got him to figure out that he has to keep trying to make sure his bladder was empty. When he can't get any more out, then he says, "It doesn't work." :)

Then we'd get his pants back up and he'd play. I'd set the timer for 5 min. He'd still be dry in 5 min, so I'd give him 1 choc chip. I'd set the buzzer for 5 min more, and he'd be wet by the time this timer went off. This happened all the rest of the morning. He's gone thru at least 10 pairs of pants and 10 pairs of training underwear.

Every time, he'd pee his pants within 10 min of just having totally emptied his bladder. He drinks a lot, and pees a lot, and I guess it just comes right out. Thus, I'm gonna try this again in a couple months, when he's physically more ready for it.

Guess it'll probably be Jan. I potty-trained all 3 girls in January when they were 2. (2001, 2005, 2007, I believe) Maybe that's just a good month for me. :)

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