"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Big 3-8!

Chad's really getting old... 38th bday was Thurs. I'm so glad I'm so much younger. :)

We had a small party for him on Thur pm. My parents arrived just in time for the big meal-- I think the lasagna was calling them. Mom asked if Chad had requested lasagna and carrot cake; I said, "No, but if I HAD asked him, that's what he would have requested." Now the carrot cake may have varied to coconut cake or coconut pie, but the carrot cake is very high on his list.

After supper we had a few gifts-- some shirts, a grill brush, and some other pretty useful items.

Better than those-- the cards the girls each made for him. Fun to see their creativity.


  1. did you send some leftovers home with mom and dad??? :)

  2. Huh! She didn't even offer us any!!!

  3. Totally didn't think of it or you each would have gotten some! I wasn't hoarding, really I wasn't! Chad might have, tho... :)
