"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday, Claire Elizabeth!

October 11 is Claire's birthday! We had a great day celebrating it with her...
Because she doesn't like chocolate or frosting or ice cream, sometimes it's interesting finding treats Claire likes. We found out this year, tho, that she likes coffee cake, so that's what I made for her bday this year. (Last year, I still made her a chocolate cake, then we ate it for her while she had peanutbutter crackers. :) And it worked out well because my parents had to leave right after breakfast. So, we had a breakfast party!
Mom provided some bday decor, including sunglasses for each person.

This was hilarious! When Claire opened the card from Papa and Grammy, she loved the Tinkerbell with the number 6; then, she opened it, and it played a song-- Claire loved the surprise! And then, Micah loved the card. Carried it around and opened and shut the card so he could make the music start and stop.

Among her other presents, she got some sheep Webkinz from Papa and Grammy. Also some ponytail holders, gummy bears, tracing paper, sidewalk chalk.

From us, she got a skirt outfit for church, a new purple (pink? mauve?) sleeping bag, a DVD.

Katie gave Claire a memory box, on which she had carefully put a lot of letter stickers. I don't have picture of it, but Jenna gave her a homemade activity book and some bracelets/necklaces/rings she had in her room.
My parents left after the party, and then Claire had a great day of playing with her new things. I think having a morning party worked out nicely.
I had several piano lessons throughout the day. Just before the first one at 10am, I said to Claire, "You need to go get dressed before they get here." And she told me she didn't want to get dressed at all today because Mrs. Clark (her school teacher) had told her she ought to stay in her pajamas all day because it was her bday on a day off from school. :)
In the afternoon, she did get dressed, tho, because we went for a picnic to Poor House Farm Park (isn't that a weird name? Has 3 nouns in a row!) in Martinsburg. Perfectly lovely day for it! Our neighbor, Taylor, came along and it was such perfect fall weather. We had a picnic by the lake, kids fed/chased/were chased by the ducks/geese, Chad and kids did a little fishing with hotdogs/cheese/water chestnuts/fruit roll-ups, and I walked/ran/skipped with the kids over to a playground.

Measurement update-- Chad measured Claire on The Door. She grew 3 1/2 inches since last year, and is 3 inches taller than K and J were when they turned 6.
And, because she's the youngest in her class, she's very happy to finally be a 6 year old in first grade. :)

1 comment:

  1. It was so much fun to be in WV for the C&C birthdays! That's on my, 'Never gonna happen in this lifetime' list!!! And, I don't think I ever went to a birthday breakfast before! The breakfast pizza was really good, too. HB again, Claire Bear -- to the tip of your nose :)
