"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Grandparents Day

Last Thur was Grandparents Day at Grace. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pics. Chad's mom came for it, in the middle of a busy time for her (some company over)-- for which we are thankful. Maybe some year my parents will be able to come for it, but, this time it hit right during corn harvest. It was pretty important for the girls to have someone there.

First they had classroom time, which only was a total of 50 min, so Gma hopped from Jenna's to Claire's classrooms (Katie (middle school) was not involved). Then Gma took the 2 girls out to lunch-- to Ryan's! They loved it. I would, too. :)

Then there was a program at the end-- for which I played piano and Chad was the "runner" getting the next class each time, so Gma got time with Micah, too.

We are thankful for all our kids' grandparents!

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