"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Volleyball Ends

So the 2010 middle school volleyball season has ended. I'm glad because it will free up some time :), but Katie sure enjoyed it-- she'd like it to go all year long. She made a lot of improvements in her setting, bumping, and esp serving this year. And next year, she's hoping for more playing time because one of the 2 main setters is an 8th grader and will be moving up to the varsity team.
These are pics and videos from the weekend tournament. On Friday night, at the playoffs, our team had to play the best team in the league-- one they had never beat. Our girls really gave them a run for their money, even winning one of the 3 games in the match. They were really close to winning the 3rd game as well.
Because we lost, we played in the consolation game on Sat. This match was very disappointing because we played a team that was definitely worse than us, and we made mistakes left and right-- ended up losing.
Below (very bottom) is a video of the point that Micah cost for our team. He was so proud of his sister, Katie; and so clueless. And it's a good thing that was the last game, cuz he saw us laugh and laugh at this video. If we had another game next week, he'd be sure to do it again for laughs.

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