"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rescue Mission

Sat pm we went to the Martinsburg Rescue Mission. Once a month, a different board member from our church does a service there. A while back, we had volunteered to help Lou D when it was his turn, and now I think he might be calling us every year when it's his turn. The board members always like to take someone who can play piano, and preferably other people to sing, etc also.

We met at Lou's house (Dad, he's the financial man you talked to when you were here) and left Micah there. Lou's wife and daughter watched Micah (works out well!). The girls all went with us. Chad did a great job leading in some songs and he played a sax solo. The girls joined us and, as a family, we sang "The Joy of the Lord". Then Lou gave a short message-- 4 men raised their hands for salvation!

We talked to some of the men. Fascinating! One man told us he walked across the country-- in a month. Think that's true? Jer, how possible do you think that would be? How long did it take you to walk from Delaware to Morgantown-ish, WV?

One man told me he was in the service for 4 years in Alaska. Talked about the 6 months of light, and 6 months of darkness. How people kinda flip out during the winter. I'm sure I would. Yikes.

The girls hung around us pretty closely because some of those men were kinda strange-looking. It was a fairly warm evening (70ish, still) and one man had on plastic under his several layers of clothes, and, before he left, he carefully around towels over his head and all around his face. I'm not sure how he even could SEE because I couldn't see any eyes.

Plus, it's just a little weird for us to be in a room with all men. :) Lou said it's not too strange for him because he grew up attending an all boys boarding school for orphans in inner-city Philadelphia. Interesting!

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