"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wignert Woes

So I typed our last name incorrectly on the title, but I decided to leave it. I kinda like Wignert. :) Actually, Chad's been reading to us from his family history, and our last name was Wenger until sometime in the 1800's when an English teacher changed it, claiming the orginal spelling was "incomplete" (doesn't that seem a bit arrogant?).

Also interesting that Hans Wenger came over to the New World in 1750's. So the Wingerts (Wengers) were here even before the Revolution.

Off that rabbit trail... Jenna's home sick again today. She really was acting well yesterday, but this morning was not so good again. She hid in the bedroom again all morning. When I got Micah to bed, I let her out to do computer. She spent an hour on a John Smith website they learned about in school-- loved it and learned all sorts of things about Native Americans and Pocohontas.

And can you believe this weather? I don't know what it's like at your house, but we're having another heat wave. Yesterday it broke records in Hagerstown-- it was the 55th day of the year over 90 degrees. I guess the record before this was 54. Well, today we're making it 56. And, actually, we've had more like over 60 days above 90 at our house. They mentioned that on the radio as well-- the station comes out of Williamsport, and they've had more than 60 there.

Supposed to get cooler the next few days. Hoping for some rain as well.



  1. I'll have to find her some good websites! Go, Jenna!!!

  2. that's funny about the spelling. maybe you should change it back. now-a-days any type of spelling goes :)
