"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Weekend Fun

Actually, I think this was last week, but Chad slept out in the tent with the girls. They had been looking forward to it a long time, but the nights were always too hot. This particular one was perfect. Katie set up a cool partition inside the tent (with old sheets and clothespins) so she and Jenna could have their own separate "rooms". Claire loved it, for a while. This happened last time too... she ended up sleeping in the house with Micah and me. Not sure if she's scared or what. On Saturday, I stayed home to go to Bunny's memorial service, but Chad took all the kids up to PA for the day. They went to visit Ruth Kitner (kind of an honorary Wingert :)-- the Hat Lady. Jenna and Claire, esp, were fascinated with Ruth's hats and room decor.

Claire dressed up and had a fancy meal at Gma's. They also played some tennis-- Jenna said she had a lot of fun, even tho she had trouble hitting the ball-- and they flew kites. Perfect day for that! Had one fly above the clouds.

Here's Micah at home. FUN that he likes to put on his firefighter's hat to play with the firetruck... but FUNNY that he thinks he HAS to have his firefighter's hat on to vacuum.

Oh, the vacuum reminds me of something else: A few weeks ago, I had Katie and Jenna each vacuum their own rooms. We found it pretty funny when Jenna was complaining as she did it, something like, "This is a man's job." :) Guess you know who usually vacuums here!

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