"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Micah constantly surprises us with new words and new sentence structures-- totally love it! This morning, on the way to church, he wanted me to write the "wetters" on the magnadoodle. So I wrote A and he said, "A, the wetter A is for Apple." Then I wrote B and so on. Katie and Chad and I got such a kick out of his alphabet that I wrote it down for posterity. :) Fascinating to me is that some of his choices were so creative.

A-- apple
B-- ball
C-- Claire
D-- duck
E-- egg
F-- fish
G-- grapes
H-- hot
I-- first he said "bug", and I realized he meant "insect" because that's what's on the letter I for his ABC puzzle; then he also said "ice cream"
J-- jump
K-- Katie
L-- lollipop
M-- mice and Mommy
N-- he couldn't think of one
O-- "owl, hoo, ho0, hoo!"
P-- peanut butter
Q-- quail
R-- couldn't think of one
S-- couldn't think of one
T-- turtles
U-- under umbrella (!!)
V-- violin
W-- whale
X-- x-ray
Y-- yarn
Z-- zebra

** Actually, when I wrote Z, he said, very dramatically, "The last letter of the alphabet is...Z!!" I think that was from the ABC signs video Emily gave us. :)

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