"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Maryland Zoo

Saturday we took a spur-of-the-moment trip to the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore; Chad's parents met us there. We saw a lot of neat animals! Again we were amazed at the variety in God's creation. Macaw
Jenna with Gma and Gpa

Large, lazy rhino. We read more about rhinos later... They are very nearsighted and therefore don't trust anything or anyone. They don't get out of the way of people cuz they often don't know people are there; they may ram a jeep or truck into a junk heap. If a female sees a male she likes, she backs up and charges him; knocks him down and steps on him. Even tho they are 2-4 tons, they can run 30 mph. Its only friend is the tickbird-- land on the rhino and eat insects off its skin, and also start screaming if danger is approaching-- so the rhino has some warning.

A pride of funny lions

We loved the giraffe exhibit-- the giraffes came close enough to touch-- Micah fed one.

We enjoyed the chimp exhibit (well, most of us did-- Claire couldn't handle the smell in the indoor enclosure)-- Katie and one chimp were imitating each other.

Such a goofy- looking animal-- the okapi.

Chad holds some dried elephant dung. Nice, huh?

Trying out a heron nest

Chad and the kids brushed some goats. Man, are those things patient! All those kids... Look below for a video of what Micah liked about the goats.

And this is how we felt by the end. :) It was about 3 or 4pm and we'd been there since 10am. We even took a nice break for a picnic lunch in the shade, but we were all very tired by the end. Micah was asleep before we got to the car.

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