"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, September 20, 2010

Peppy Piano Participation

Today starts an interesting long-term experiment. The music teacher at Grace asked me if I'd be willing to teach private piano lessons at the school because there is more demand for lessons than there are spots available. She teaches some lessons in her planning periods, and there is another woman who has been coming 2 days a week to teach.

All this was very up-in-the-air til Friday, and, suddenly today it's going to start. I have arranged for Tangene to let Micah eat lunch and nap at her house on Monday afternoons, so I'll be able to get in 6 lessons at school. Then I'll hop on home with our kids so I can teach 4 more lessons. Ought to be busy for Mondays, but the rest of the days are much freer. In fact, 2 of those 6 were ones I was teaching at home, but we have been having scheduling issues this fall, and they were considering having to find another teacher. Thus, I'll be able to keep them and it'll free up an hour of after-school time.

So, I'm up to a total of 21 students, sort of: Jenna and Katie don't pay me anything :), and one little girl comes for lessons twice a week right now-- she's the one that got the military kids grant to take piano lessons. And we're really thankful for the extra income!

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