"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, September 13, 2010

Jenna's Hagerstown Project--1

Jenna has a Washington County project to do this year. She chose to focus on Inside Hagerstown. Katie did this same project in 3rd grade, and she did Outside Hagerstown. It's nice to visit different places this time. When Claire gets there, we'll have to see if we can convince her to do the Antietam Battlefield choice. :)

Anyway, I thought we'd share our excursions on the blog. If you're not interested, you can hop right over these. Saturday, we started visiting places and hit 4 out of 16. These were probably the easiest 4, tho-- the others will probably be more involved visits.
Above is Zion Ref Church, on the corner of Potomac (main crossroad in town) and Church. This is a newer building, but Hagerstown's namesake, Jonathan Hager, was hit by a falling timber while helping to build this church. He is buried in the cemetery behind the church.

This is the Hager House. Neat to see the inside-- I actually toured it with Mike and Liz back in April. Jenna's been inside on a field trip. This time we just checked out the outside. This excursion (just me with Jenna, Claire, and Micah) was not the time to go on a tour. :)

I had the stroller along (aka Micah Confinement) so we did tour the Fine Arts Museum. Below is the doorknob (dinnerplate size).

Micah was good while we took a short tour, and Jenna and Claire were both fairly interested in looking at the art. They had a little art education (why doesn't that lady have all her clothes on?)-- oh, dear. Below is one Jenna esp liked.

The Norman Rockwell was one Claire esp liked. She asked me why the boy had such a funny look on his face, and so we looked around at the picture and figured that the boy probably was not real happy about having to go to the eye dr to get glasses-- he wanted to be out playing ball.

We also went to the City Park. This is one place we've visited oodles of times over the years-- it's one of the prettiest city parks I've ever seen-- but we had to go again for the sake of the project, and get some pics there. :)

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