"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Last night was Micah's first night in a "big boy bed". Of course, I wondered how this would go. As I put it together and took apart the crib, I (and the girls) talked about his "new bed". When it was finally together, he was excited to get in it. But, when REAL bedtime comes, will he be OK with it? Yup!

We ALL had to be in on this, so we ALL tucked him in last night. And he was so funny about it! Chad got some video that we'll see if Eric can post on here for us. Micah climbed right in and stuck his thumb in his mouth and put his head on his pillow, facing the wall. We said, "Micah, are you already asleep?" And he pretended to SNORE! It was a definite attempt at humor, and he loved it that we all laughed pretty hard.

And, would he actually stay in the bed all night? Yup. In fact, it took him a long time to fall asleep-- I went in there prob 45 min later and he was still awake, turned around, but still in the bed. And he was still in there this morning. We'll see how naptime goes this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. what an adorable bed for an even more adorable boy! loved the 'snore' bit!
