"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, July 16, 2010

Like a Fish, well almost

Jenna just finished swimming lessons! She LOVED it. Said she wished it could continue every day all summer. The pic above was just taken yesterday-- she's just coming out of the water, looking a little waterlogged, because she swam freestyle mostly by herself. Her 2 instructors both commented that she improved tons over the 8 45-min lessons.
They put lifejackets on all the kids so they could practice floating on their backs for a few minutes.

Here they are playing at the end-- they always ended with a 5-min free time. Jenna had a lot of fun playing tag yesterday-- she's right in the middle of the pic, a little hard to see.

And today I'm taking all 3 girls swimming at a friend's pool, so we'll see how much Jenna wants to do on her own there.

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