"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, July 10, 2010

It Rained!

Boy, were we happy when it rained last night! Jenna was watching the weather very closely, since I had explained a few weeks ago about how in the summer thunderstorms often follow a period of hot, humid weather and then following the storm, it's cooler out. The girls were outside with Chad and she kept reporting to me-- that it's getting windy, some branches in the woods were breaking, it's thundering, Katie saw lightning. "I really think it's going to rain!" I tried to warn her that sometimes a t-storm could come near but miss us. I think this would have been really disappointing to her. :)

Just yesterday, on our way home from church, we took the backroads, and I slowed down to make sure the girls looked at how bad the corn was looking. Some fields were worse than others, but a few we saw had the center leaves rolled tightly into spikes, but the outer leaves were all dried up and brown. Some bushes and young trees are brown and dead. Lawns looked terrible-- if it's real grass, it's mostly brown/white. In our yard, the upper side has some green weeds-- since there's not much real grass, we just have patches of brown grass. On the lower side, it looked a little better (maybe also cuz that's our septic drainfield? does that have anything to do with it?). Funny, tho-- you can see the exact outline of our septic tank rectangle and how it sits on an angle from the house. Totally brown over that.

Anyway, the girls were really understanding the need for rain, and we were all thrilled when it started. Had the windows wide open all night. Rained most of the night. Neighbor says we got about 2 inches.

I just returned from Cathy's shower at church, and I took the back roads again. That same corn looks much happier :), altho, of course, the brown leaves are beyond help. Lawns still look pretty bad, altho there's definitely an improvement.

Today the temp and humidity are much more like normal summer days-- much more reasonable. Lots of people are outside again, and people have been holed up in houses just like they were in Feb when we got all that snow. Wow, what a difference from then!!

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