"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Car show

Our church had its annual carshow last Sat. About 400 old cars or trucks or motorcycles. Totally free for everyone. Free food, etc. also. This was the first year we went (it's usually when we're in MI, and last year we were in PNG). Lots of fun!

Katie sat up in a big rig for the first time-- she even has a proper tattoo. :)

They had a remote control car race-- can you see Chad with Micah, and farther down is Jenna?

Micah tries out the Dalorian (sp?) his Daddy would like to own.

1 comment:

  1. that looks neat! maybe we should try and plan one of our visits out for the same time. boden would love it!
