"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rough Day

This heat is really oppressive. I've said a few times that I sure am glad that we don't live in a place that has this kind of heat a lot. It's miserable to do anything except swim outside.

Jenna and Claire have had Day Camp at church this week. Katie's too old to be in it this year, and I was glad so she could stay home with Micah in the afternoons. Then we didn't have to disrupt naptime every day to pick the kids up at 2pm. She's been doing a terrific job. Of course, Micah sleeps the whole time, so she hasn't had much to do. Today, she did, tho, and did a great job...

I left at 12:50 to stop at Walmart before picking up J and C. I had just walked in the store when Katie called my cell-- the church had called and said Claire was not feeling well. So, I went right to church.

Turns out Claire had gotten overheated. I guess several of the kids have been having problems with this, but Claire was the worst. Denice (lady who was caring for Claire) told me she was scared when Claire came in cuz her skin was all white and she wasn't really talking or answering questions and her breathing was fast. They gave her water to drink and cool rags on her neck and head, and she gradually cooled down. By the time I got there, she was starting to perk up, and she acted totally normal in the car on the way home and ever since.

I've told Claire she doesn't have to go tomorrow. She was enjoying Day Camp once there, but dreaded going every day (she's a real home-body)-- and after today's problem, I'm sure she won't want to go tomorrow.

FYI-- I was already a little nervous about her going. Not that we ever feel like we have to protect her any more than our other kids, but I do like controlled situations-- and we always make sure people in charge know that she has no pulse in her left arm or right leg. Even that's kinda awkward in a Day Camp situation-- lots of kids running all over the place and mostly teens in charge of each team of kids. I had made her wear her medical bracelet every day, and I specifically made sure at least 4 of the adults and 2 of her team leaders knew of her issue.

In a regular church setting, I'm not as concerned cuz I have that info on her emergency card and Chad or I are always in the building with her. And at school, any medical issue goes thru the office and they have all her info.

I just praise God that she's just fine now!

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