"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October Snow

Saturday we set records for the heaviest snowfall in October. Sure surprised us! According to records in Hagerstown, there were 3.7 inches. We felt like there was a bit more, but it was really hard to tell because it was so wet. Under the trees, there was hardly any accumulation-- the leaves held up so much snow and it just dripped underneath.

In this pic you can see the beginning of the snow-- and the beginning of the destruction of my flowers. Usually they might have lasted a few weeks longer...

This is what Chad did on his snowy day-- learned to make an omelet. You have to know that he makes almost nothing in the kitchen (does very good dishes and heats things up, but that's it), so the kids were all pretty amazed. And a little amused because I had to stop him from some potentially disasterous mistakes. :)

It turned out very well! Very tasty-- sausage and cheese.

In this pic, not only can you see me shoveling (really just pushing slush), but you can see how sad Micah's tree (small one in foreground) looks. Repeatedly during the day, we went out to knock the snow/slush off the small trees. Micah's and Jenna's definitely looked the worst, but they both perked up rather well after the almost 60 degree weather on Sunday. They look great again.

Here you can see Jenna's sad tree. We really were worried about it-- it's MUCH taller than that. Like nearly as tall as our house (and taller than the neighbor's house you see).

Now we have seen several trees and large branches down all over the area. We actually lost electricity for about an hour and it blinked off 5 or 6 other times, but we know several people in the area who still didn't have power last night (Mon). Some of them were being told it would be at least Wed. Some schools in the area cancelled yesterday. All the Washington County schools already had a day off, or they may have cancelled, too.

And this is how we dress during snow storms...

This is what Micah did...

Turned out to be a nice day of being at home, and we still were able to go out to Bob Evans (celebrating good report cards!) and to help set up chairs at church that evening. Because it was such a wet snow, the roads weren't bad at all. At least til morning, when some of the water had frozen.

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