"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Falls/Tree Day

Saturday, the weather again was beautiful-- we couldn't have ordered a nicer Thanksgiving weekend.

We took a lovely hike at Cunningham Falls. Enjoyed by all, I believe.

The reckless ones among us braved climbing the rocks, in spite of the "climbing is not advised" signs... and all lived to tell about it.

On the way back, Claire stepping into the water-- see the wet pants? She really had a great attitude about it, tho. Took her socks off and hiked back to the car with bare feet in her crocs.

Back at the parking area, we had a great picnic lunch-- probably our last til spring!

Wingerts, guess what Micah's doing here!

After the hike, we went to a Christmas tree farm owned by some Grace people. Micah was sleeping in the car, so mom stayed with him, and the rest of us hiked all over the mountain to find the perfect tree. And it's a nice one! Even nicer because the nice man that owns the tree farm ended up giving it to us for free!


  1. I should also mention that I have great memories of Cunningham Falls! And your day there looks like it was so much fun... I love nature-y trips like this & especially look forward to taking them someday when we have kids.
