"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, November 28, 2011

Turkey Trot

George and Danny Michael invited my dad and Chad to do the Turkey Trot with them Thanksgiving morning. 5K run at Hagerstown Community College with 1,200 other people. Gorgeous day for it. And they all did well!

Dad hadn't trained at all for 5 months (too busy farming, etc) and wanted to get back to it for the winter, so this was a good jumpstart. He ran the 5K in 31 min 27 seconds.

Chad has been running just a bit here and there the past few months, and he did a terrific run! 30 min 4 seconds.

The funny part was that George finished first, and then Chad, so they were waiting for my dad. Somehow they missed him and were waiting, and waiting. Starting to get worried something happened to him. George started running backwards on the track to find him. Then Chad found Dad drinking coffee at the end.

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