"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Friday's Fall Fun

So, what exciting activity did we take my parents to do on Friday? We went up to Mechanicsburg to rake Chad's parents' leaves. : ) Mom and dad both helped rake leaves for a while, then mom and I had to take the Grand Prix for a drive so it could get some exercise. :) While we were gone, Chad/Dad/Katie/Jenna just about had the whole yard finished.

Gorgeous weather and we had fun doing it. The ride was also nice-- listened to a CD about the first Thanksgiving.

Even more exciting, probably, was what we did in Chambersburg on our way to the W's leaves-- we stopped at a Verizon store and Chad bought an iPhone! Now he's happily figuring out how to use it... with a bit of help from Katie. :) And I'm happily the caretaker of a cell phone again-- I'm using Chad's old one.

Oh, we also had a good meal at Bob Evans. Pregnant waitress who told us about her family, and remembered orders for all 8 of us without writing it down! I would probably have trouble with ONE order. She got it all right, too. Better than the girl at Hoss's Sunday, who typed it right into the computer as we said it and still got 2 orders wrong.

Evening activities at home-- we played some games! Jenna beat Papa/Daddy/Katie at Chinese Checkers twice.

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