"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat

We went over to Jason and Lisa's house for Trick or Treating Fri pm. Worked a lot better than our neighborhood-- houses closer together, better roads, etc. Had a fun meal with them before we got everyone ready to go. Jenna was a black cat, Claire a fairy, and Micah a monkey. They all had fun with it at first. Claire tired of the actual trick or treating first-- worked out well that we had just taken a small loop in the neighborhood because it was chilly out and we didn't know how long little Reese would last. Micah went a little longer, and Jenna and Ethan (with Daddy and Jason) made it the longest. Their endurance probably had something to do with the motivation, too. Claire couldn't care less for most of the candy she got. All her chocolates went to Katie. The only ones Claire likes are lollipops, Dots, and Skittles. It was getting quite cold (for here in Oct, anyway-- down below 40), so we had dressed in many layers.

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