"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our Thanksgiving

Lovely Thanksgiving Day! Mom and dad were here (arrived Wed pm) and the Michaels came as well. They were on their way out to the Creation Museum-- was a lot of fun to have them here as well. Danny was along, and George and Cheryl had grandson Tommy (Boden's exact age) for the long weekend as well. Micah and Tommy had a GREAT time playing in his room. Neither one of them was real thrilled with the turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes like the rest of us were. :)

After we ate, Chad had everyone mention a couple things for which we were thankful. We are very blessed!!

In the afternoon, we took naps :). After supper, we watched home videos and Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

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