"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, October 17, 2011

Katie's Volleyball Team

Katie's volleyball season is now over. She, personally, REALLY had a great season. Sadly, her team did not. They lost a lot. Almost all their games, actually. Katie still had fun, and she said she wishes volleyball would go all year long. She chose to stay on the middle school team, even though the coaches asked if she wanted to go up to the JV team-- turned out to be a great decision. She was one of the oldest/most experienced on the team so she got lots of playing time (very different from the past 2 years) and she improved tons-- with her setting, serving, how the rotation goes, and just knowing when to hit the ball. Because of the weird rotation they do, Katie (#9), often has to switch spots right after the serve. Here she is waiting to switch.

Action shot!

Chad actually got a very nice short video during this past game. Check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVJGkUrsMF4. If you watch closely, you can see Katie hit the ball 4 times during the 35 seconds. She's a setter, so she's supposed to hit the ball the 2nd time of the 3 hits while it's on their side of the net.

And the videos below are just for fun. :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, Katie! You look like a veritable veteran of (junior) varsity volleyball. : )
