"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Concert Pianist

Last week was Grandparents Day at Grace. We didn't get many pics, so this is it. Claire played piano for the program. Didn't phase her in the least to play in front of a few hundred people. Actually, she was most upset about the shirt she was required to wear. :) Since she just started lessons in June, and we're taking our own sweet time, she's not playing songs with her hands together yet. This was a left hand version of Ode to Joy.

Jenna also played piano for it. Amazing Grace. Both girls did a really nice job. And the grandparents loved seeing/hearing the kids play.

Since we have no grandparents nearby right now, I asked Cheryl Michael to fill in. (Turned out it was the week they had their grandsons with them, so George stayed home with the boys) Cheryl visited the classrooms and took Jenna and Claire to lunch at Ryans.

1 comment:

  1. I love that Claire has no fear! Just another thing that makes her unexplainably unique. I remember being absolutely petrified before piano recitals and when I would occasionally play offertories at church. I'm glad Claire doesn't seem to have a self-conscious bone in her body.
