"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Satisfying Saturday

Fun day today-- took kids to a large yard sale (the kind in a parking lot, where people pay a fee to be able to set up a table there) in Hedgesville. Found a magna doodle, roller blades for Katie, a sweatshirt, earrings, and a truck for Micah. Interesting, huh? :)

Then we all went to play tennis at Hedgesville High School. Lots of fun. Katie is really pretty good at it already. Jenna knows all the rules from playing Wii Tennis, but has a little trouble hitting the ball over the net. Claire has a lot of fun and a lot of determination. Micah just wanted to run around, swing racquets, throw balls, pick up pinecones, ride scooters. It definitely was not your average tennis outing.

Then the boys mowed the lawn.

1 comment:

  1. Jenna, you look like a natural holding that racket! Someday we'll have to play some doubles... Aunt Dani & Katie vs. Uncle Jer & Jenna. How does that sound? : )
