"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steenwyk pictures

With our digital camera, I just took pictures of these old photos that had been assembled for display at the visitation for my Grandpa Steenwyk. I'm not sure if I'll get all the labels correct, so Steenwyks, please tell me if I goofed on any! So sorry I did not manage to get them in a very chronological order, but I did end up with one of my favorites first! :)

Joe and Wilma (my grandparents)-- sign says 1964. So he was 43 and she was 41.

This is pretty much how I remember my grandparents from when I was growing up.

The Steenwyk family, after my Great Grandpa Steenwyk had passed away. My Great Gma S is in the front row. My grandpa is directly behind her.

Joe-- teenager?

Joe and Wilma with their 3 boys (My dad is in the plaid shirt) at a cabin

The Petroelje kids. This is interesting-- 3 Petroelje girls married 3 Steenwyk boys, so my grandpa and 2 of his brothers are in this Petroelje family pic. Joe and Wilma are front and center. The other dark haired men are Steenwyks.

There are a couple extra kids (cousin and a friend?), but 2 of the young ones in front are the youngest siblings of my gma. The curly haired boy who is turned away I think is Uncle Allen who grew up with my dad.

An old farm pic. My gpa is the man standing by the pile of hay bales. I think my dad is the highest one on top.

Before they bought the baler, they gathered the hay in loose piles. My dad said they bought the baler when he was 11. When he was 12, 13, 14, he used to drive the tractor with the baler and go around to many of the neighbors' farms to bale hay for them for pay.

Before tractors

My dad and his sibs and parents. Maybe early 1970's? This is the photo I remember hanging on the wall for years and years.

Threshing machine-- Joe is on the right. Person on the left was probably one of my gma's brothers.

Great picture of my grandpa with his smile... several people remarked about it at the funeral. He was a very happy, content person, even tho he experienced many hardships. I think he always felt blessed.

(Hey! There's that great wallpaper again!)

Grandpa with Lila, his special friend for the past couple years while he lived at Oakcrest.

Grandpa with my sister's babies, Caleb and Logan

Bummer, I didn't even get this one in straight. And I don't know how to turn it. Turn your head, I guess. This is my brother Mike and I with gpa and gma.

At the house my gpa bought beside gma's nursing home in Zeeland. From left-- my dad, my grandpa, Uncle Dave, Aunt Betty, Aunt Mary, Uncle Paul

My grandpa loved to play mouth organ (harmonica), and we all loved to hear it. Sometimes, he and his 2 brothers would get together and all 3 would play together. Wish I'd heard that!

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