"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Remnant

So, those of us that didn't get to go to Cousin's Camp with Grammy (I'm still fuming) decided to have some of our own fun. We couldn't go too far during the week because we had swimming lessons in Williamsport and VBS at church, but it was all good. :)

I made some of Jenna's and Claire's food requests, and they took turns sleeping in Katie's room, and we had one of Jenna's friends over, and we met one of Claire's friends at a restaurant. Plus, Grandma was here Mon pm thru Tues pm. She took us all to breakfast at Waffle House (crammed in one booth, but it was fun :), took Claire to swimming lessons, took Jenna and Claire to a movie, and then took them to the pool in Williamsport.

On Sat, we went to Little Buffalo State Park in PA-- great way to spend a very hot day. HUGE pool, but it also got quite full with TONS of people. Sure wish I had a way of counting how many. Jenna and Claire's main entertainment was jumping into the pool from the side, and after a while the pool was almost too full to do that.

Swimming lessons-- Claire's really enjoying them! We actually have one more tomorrow, and she will be disappointed that they are over. I think we will probably have to make sure she gets lessons again next year, but she sure has progressed a lot! She was nervous the first day, but has very much enjoyed being with other kids and swimming, etc. Weather has been great for swimming. Not so great for the people who have to watch her, but at least they have let us sit in the shade of the building this year.

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