"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

MI-- Tuesday

Natalie, with a great look on her face. :)


Tuesday Chad borrowed a bike and went for a 60-mile bike ride. Thus, we have very few pics from that day. I just always forget to use a camera. Mom and I took the kids to the park. We met Liz and her kids, Lea Anne and her kids there. Meant to play a while, but it was very hot; so we didn't last very long. So we went to McD's for lunch, and Emily and her kids met us there. In the afternoon, I took our 4 over to Emily's for the afternoon. Micah took a nap in Nathan's bed, and was VERY excited to sleep in a bed with cars/trucks/machinery on the covers. The girls swam and jumped on the tramp with their kids all afternoon.

Tuesday evening, all the adults went out to a restaurant in Holland-- had lots of fun. And, thanks, Dad, for sacrificing to pay for our meals! He thinks we all think we snookered him into paying for us, but we know he wanted to do it. We've got him all figured out. He's just glad this only happens once or twice a year.

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