"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

MI-- Thursday

On Thursday morning, we left to head up north, caravanning with my parents. We started up along Lake Michigan, this is a lookout near Arcadia.

Sleeping Bear Dunes-- this our BEFORE pic in front of the face of the Dune Climb.

Micah climbed just as far as the rest of us! He kept plugging away. It took probably 3-4 min to climb the first part, but then we went a little ways beyond that-- far enough to see just a glimpse of Lake Michigan.

That's Katie and Jenna, way up there.

I think that's Glen Lake behind Chad.

Heading down!

Our AFTER pic

We set up our camp in Hartwick Pines State Park and then went to tour Grayling. If you've never been up there, you probably won't want to tour Grayling. :) However, it's where I was born! So mom and dad took us around to show us all the old haunts. This is now a retirement home of some sort, but it was the church we went to when I was a baby. You can still see where the cross was in the bricks.

This is where we lived, except now it's a newer mobile home. The concrete pads Dad poured are still there, and also the garage he built (behind the trailer).

My parents moved there when mom was pregnant with me, and we moved to the farm when I was 17 months old.

They tell me it was a pretty nice place to live back then, but now it's pretty run down. Nice sign, huh?

The hospital where I was born

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