"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

cousins week at grammys

hi this is kt speaking :x
while the rest of the family went on home after camping at Hartwick pines on saturday, i went with papa and grammy to their house (about 5 hrs away). next morning i went to uncle mike and auntie liz's church with them, stayed all day there, and went to p.m. church with them. papa and grammy picked me up after dinner.
next morning on monday aunt emily brought natalie to the house. soon after we went to mocha and music and discussed the plans for the week. went shopping for groceries (terribly exciting) :) then went to Boden's 5th bday party. we helped set up. there was a tarp-waterslide thing its was pretty fun.
tuesday we went with auntie liz and the twins to the mall. we walked around a little and went on the carousel. caleb pretty much clung to mommy the whole time :) we bought new tops for this evening. after that we drove to the rainbow grill and ate lunch. we went home for a little bit and then went to a pedicure at the Hair Extraordinaire at 2. then we went to have a photo shoot done by auntie liz in zeeland beside a bunch of old buildings. cool setting :)
wednesday we started driving in the morning, went to the farm show thing with a bunch of displays of dirt and stuff (which was so exciting i could cry) :) and then drove around Michigan state university, then to great-grandma T's. she decided we should eat at the Eaton Place. after dinner we went to the Jungel's cottage. we went swimming right away. so HOT. :P the water was warm too... we took a boat ride, i drove for a few mins, uncle terry pushed us off the side of the boat into 60 ft water. we watched narnia in our room in the basement.
thursday we swam a little while in the morning and fed the fish and turtles. we drove home and hung out at the house a long time. we were scrapbooking for much of the time. auntie liz, uncle mike, caleb, logan, aunt leaanne, boden, and heidi came over to the house for supper. afterwards we went to the village dipper for ice cream. heidi got a napkin stuck up her nose.
friday natalie and i rolled coins for a loooong time, ate lunch, went to Hope theatre for a play, I Remember Mama. really good- it went along with the one book grammy gave us on monday called Mama's Bank Account.
saturday uncle mike s. picked us up while papa and grammy were at a wedding reception. he drove us to natalies house, stayed till about 7 or so. i was picked up and left their house then, started the drive to PA. we slept in a service plaza overnight, breakfast at Panera.
soooo fun to get away for a week. thanks again, grammy!!!!


  1. OK We had some good chuckles reading about it from your point of view! Thanks, KT

  2. i think my favorite part was about the farm show. :)

  3. "displays of dirt and stuff" :) :) :) LOL!
