"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

MI-- Friday

Ferry ride over to Mackinac Island (see the Bridge in the background?). I think Katie and Jenna were excited about this, but Claire was quite nervous. That morning, she told me she didn't want to go on the boat ride because it might sink. I said, "Oh, honey, they've been doing this for many years and no one has ever sunk." So she said, "Well, then, maybe they've been doing it so many years that now it's old and it will sink." :) However, once we got started, she loved the ferry ride and would have gladly done it more than the two times we did.

The Star Line boats we were on were hydro-jets. Claire esp liked the "rooster tail" that shot up out of the back.

Chad and I were here on our honeymoon- it was fun to take our kids to see it now.

We rented 2 single bikes and a tandem so Dad, Chad, Katie, and Jenna could take a ride. They did around 7-8 miles. Mom and I did a little walking around and exploring with the little kids. Someday we'll return and rent bikes for the whole family!

They saw lots of inukshuks (did I spell it correctly, mom?)

Katie and Jenna

Return trip on ferry. Now Claire was brave enough to sit on the edge.

Small lighthouse near ferry landing. The water was such a pretty blue.

Oh! That reminds me-- Dad told the kids when we were crossing the bridge that Lake Huron was on one side and Lake Michigan was on the other; and that there was a white line separating the two. Of course, when we crossed the bridge, the line was underneath, so we couldn't actually see it. :)

Back at our campsite. Chad and Katie, Jenna, Micah slept in the tent. Claire and I slept in Papa and Grammy's camper with them. Because of my back, I can't sleep on the ground, and Claire has yet to make it thru a night sleeping in a tent. We figured it would go better this way, and it did-- Kids all slept great! Thank you, Papa and Grammy.

Chipmunk at our campsite

We were right next to the playground, and that worked out great also.

My brother Mike and his family, and Emily's sister's family, were camping there also. We had a big campfire together on Friday evening. Chad had brought along a matchbox car to add to the fire. :) Not sure if you can see it here-- it's looking pretty black.

We also made smores and mom helped us make broomstick biscuits, I think they were called. Crescent rolls (from tube) on a broomstick, cook over fire, and shake in cinnamon sugar. Mmmm!

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