"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, July 18, 2011

MI-- Picture Day

Had the whole fam together on Sun pm. Ate a great "breakupper" mom cooked and Liz took lots of family pics. Here's a pic of the kids that Chad did. Amazingly, all the kids were pretty happy for it, and Liz got some great pics!

Back row-- Natalie, Jenna, Jason, Boden, Claire, Katie, Logan

Front-- Caleb, Heidi, Nathan, Micah

Pile-up on Papa!

Micah on Papa's slide. Micah was nervous at first, but once he started, he didn't want to stop!

See Heidi at the bottom of the ladder? The kids had so much fun playing together. Sure wish we lived closer for that reason. Oh, for the ride, too. It was 12 hours on the way to MI, and more like 17 on the way home because we had gone to northern MI. LONG drive! The kids really did a terrific job-- they didn't even watch a single video the whole way! They never even asked for one. Really, I was maybe the one who did the worst job riding. :)

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