"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, April 29, 2011

Jenna's Fort Frederick Field Trip

Yesterday, I went on Jenna's Fort Frederick field trip with her. We are so blessed to have so much good history so close-- it was about a 25 min bus ride. It was a pure fun day for me-- hardly any responsibility (I had 3 great girls to chaperone) and it was a gorgeous day with lots to see. The weather was definitely questionable ahead of time-- the area had 2 1/2 inches of rain overnight with tornadoes and watches and all that good stuff. But, by field trip time, it was 75 and sunny, with a bit of a breeze drying things out. We stepped thru a fair amount of mud, but this was sublime compared to the time I went to Fort Frederick with Katie's class-- that time we got totally drenched! Above is inside the fort. There are 2 buildings and an awful lot of green grass. We were able to be there on Market Days, so there were lots of extra people around-- many dressed up in period clothing.

Jenna and 2 of her best friends, McKenzie and Olivia.

There were tents everywhere around the fort walls-- many (all?) of the vendors there camp for the weekend. We looked in some vendors' tents-- leather workers and wool and fabric and all sorts of interesting things. Our favorite may have been the baker, tho. :) I bought a Shrewsbury Colonial Cake for the 4 of us to share-- it actually was a very large sugar cookie with lemon zest. Plenty for the 4 of us to share.

This man explained some things about the fort and gave us a firearms demonstration. Kids were very interested in all this, esp when he actually fired it and it was quite loud. Fort Frederick is a fascinating shape (you'll have to look it up if you're actually interested; I don't think I can describe it well) something like a square with an extra arrow point bumped out on each corner. One of those corners is reserved for this firearms demonstration now.

A building next to the fort. Jenna took the pics (except the one with her in it) and did a great job!

The costumes were fun to look at. A few were a little racy, tho-- one large man didn't have a shirt on with his and it was kinda scary :), another man had a long-sleeve type shirt and then it looked like he didn't have on any pants! I think a loin cloth was probably hiding under the shirt. Yikes! And here we were with a bunch of 3rd graders. :)

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