"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, April 11, 2011


Happy birthday, Micah! And, on this grand occasion, Chad is proud to tell you all that our kids are now 3-6-9-12. At least until August.

It's hard to believe Micah's THREE. How time flies! It's so much fun to see them get older, and yet it's so sad. In some ways, I'd like to keep Micah this age forever, but, in others, I can't wait until he gets older!

So Friday was his real birthday. Since we'd already had his party, we just gave him a chocolate muffin with candles in it. And he sang right along with us. :) Then we gave him his remaining 2 presents-- the same apple toy we gave Lily for Christmas and a Webkinz, so he can have his own account. It's an okapi that Claire named Toby.

Micah has a lot of trouble telling us how old he is. He had gotten so good at saying, "2 and 3/4", that now he can't get "3" into his head.

Other bday news-- today we sang half a song for Claire, since this is her half bday. And today is Katie's spiritual bday.

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