"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, April 8, 2011

Papa and Grammy visit

My parents were here Fri pm thru Wed am. Had to get dad a job, of course. :) Actually, I'm pretty convinced that the $75 we spent on installing a screen door was the best use of our home improvement money in a long time. I love it! We can have fresh air in the kitchen/living room, use less AC, and even hear birds singing with it open.

The screen door installation only dragged out to be a part of a day job. So, we did some other things... visited with the Michaels, heard about dad's trip to Russia, dad/Chad went to a men's event at church, visited a fire station with Jenna, went to church a couple times, I still taught several lessons, had a bday party with Don and Anita for Micah, discussed what to do about some of our lawn issues, mom/I played organ/piano at church. Plus, dad took a few naps and drank a few cups of coffee...

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