"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, April 25, 2011


The girls got 2 1/2 days off school for Easter, and we've had a really nice time. Fri pm was our church's big Easter program and none of us were in it, so we could just enjoy. It was a wonderful program with drama (including a real donkey :) and lots of music. The girls were very much into it, even tho Claire fell asleep right before the end. We sat right behind the section of hearing impaired people, and it was a lot of fun to watch. After the program, we just sat in our seats while the place emptied, and we watched many different deaf conversations. Kinda funny that we could have easily eavesdropped on all of them, if we knew more sign language!

Then, yesterday morning, the kids sang in the services and Chad and I played in the orchestra. After that busy morning, it was nice to go home to Easter dinner and a whole afternoon/evening with the family. We played games and watched a video and had a muffin cup supper.


  1. beautiful kids!

    would love to know what 'muffin cup' supper is! we have different easy supper titles like: 'sir topham toast' supper (toast/bread with various different toppings named after sir topham hat in thomas :))

  2. Muffin cup supper-- we put down a blanket on the floor in the family room, by the tv-- watch a video while we eat-- each person gets a bowl and can eat whatever they want (except Micah, because I don't trust him at all yet-- he'd fill up on the sweets). I fill my muffin pans with different little items-- cereals, nuts, raisins, grapes, cut up hotdogs, chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, crackers, gummies, etc. Finger foods. I also have a plate of sandwiches cut up small so they can pick different kinds. (In our family, the big favorites or PBJ or turkey/cheese, so I make some of each of those)
