"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, April 29, 2011

Micah Doctor

Took Micah to the dr today for his 3-year visit. Went well-- I always love being the first appt of the day.

When Micah and I were leaving home, he asked where we were going. I was pretty vague, "Hagerstown." When we were in the car, he asked again where we were going, I said, "To the doctor," and he said, "Can I go, too?" I think he was thinking it was my appt, since he had been with me a couple months ago when I went for my bunion appt. Then we got to the doctor's office... when I sat him up on the exam table and started taking off his shirt, he figured it out-- he said, "Am I going to the doctor?" I said, "Yes," and he said a very SAD, "Hmmm."

He mostly was very good, tho. Smiled and talked to the doctor and didn't cry for any of it. (Helps that he didn't need any shots) However, he wasn't always terribly cooperative. Dr asked how old he is, and Micah wouldn't really answer him-- counted up to 5. Later, the dr wanted Micah to catch a ball and then bounce it back to him, etc.-- Micah couldn't quite figure out what the dr wanted, and wasn't real great about trying, either. At one point, it looked like he was getting pretty frustrated because the dr was insistent, but, thankfully, the dr gave up at that point.

As for stats, we have a totally average kid! I don't think I've ever had one of those before! He's 50th percentile (31 1/2 pounds) for his weight and 50th for his height (37 3/4 inches).

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