"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wolfgang and park

After our picnic on Thurs, we went to the Wolfgang Chocolate Factory in York. It was very interesting to see how they make many different kinds of candies. Claire was not very excited about this event (she doesn't even like chocolate-- she was holding her nose when she started smelling it) and Katie and Jenna weren't too sure about a TOUR, either. Then, you should have seen them when we had to put on the hairnets! It was pretty difficult to get a decent picture. We even had to walk down the streets in those hairnets, since Wolfgang uses a few different nearby properties in the city.

After the chocolate tour, we spent a little while at a park, soaking up the sunshine. Kids played hide and seek.

1 comment:

  1. They would have a rough time at my work. Everybody out in the factory floor must wear hairnets. Anyone that has facial hair has to wear a beardnet. And for people like me that don't have "captive" shoes, we have to wear yellow booties along with our white labcoats.
