"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, March 21, 2011


Just recently, Micah has figured out the boy/girl concept. So, here was my conversation with him this morning:

me: Is Daddy a boy or girl?
him: A boy.
me: Is Grandpa a boy or girl?
him: A boy.
me: Is Papa a boy or girl?
him: A boy.

[Pause. I was exercising. He was thinking. :)]

him: Is Grammy a boy or girl? [I'm thinking, this is funny, he turned it around so he can ask the questions]
me: A girl.
him: Is Grandma a boy or a girl?
me: A girl.
him: Is Katie a boy or a girl?
me: A girl.
him: Is Jenna a boy or a girl?
me: A girl.
him: Is Claire a boy or a girl?
me: A girl.
him: Is Mommy a boy or a girl?
me: A girl.
him: No-- Mommy's beautiful.