"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tom & Jerry

It's me, Chad, doing the blog thing this time with pics of Tom & Jerry, nicknames for our Chrysler & Honda. Our wheels have been serving us well with very little maintenance needed (and not much paid to purchase either). Thought you might be interested in their front plates. Jerry proudly wears the plate that my old '84 Chrysler Laser sported for the 6 years I owned it. The Laser was my first car (and a very cool one for a high school and college kid) - I bought it my Junior year of h.s. and drove it all thru college, on our honeymoon, and thru 1995 until being replaced by Mike & Emily's Chevy Lumina Euro. Great memories. Wish I woulda kept the Laser, even if it was sitting up on blocks in the backyard (would fit nicely with West Virginia, right?). And Yes, Life is Good!

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