"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


OK, I need to brag on our latest genius kid. :)
This actually happened 2 or 3 weeks ago...
Micah said to me, "I want to write my name." Of course, I figured he just wanted to scribble, cuz that's pretty much all he had been doing. Very little in recognizable shapes, etc. I gave him paper and crayons, and then I left the room.
A couple minutes later, he said, "Mommy, can you help me with the A?"
He had written MIC... H. He had left a nice little space for an A, but hadn't even attempted it. The MIC and H were beautiful! Nice size, nice order, etc. If you can see the pic above, you can see for yourself. The A is the only one I helped him at all with.

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