"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Painted Spring

Also on Thursday, we went to an alpaca farm, called Painted Spring. Very pretty setting by mountains, lovely day, 1875 stone barn, and wonderful alpacas. They were so calm and friendly. We walked right among them, petting them and feeding them out of our hands.
After we left the alpaca farm, I asked Claire what she thought of our visit to see the alpacas. Her response, "It was great! Three HUNDRED percent better than the chocolate tour! It didn't smell bad." :) Now, how many people would say that an alpaca farm smelled better than a chocolate candy factory?

This cat is named Bebe. After her came their other cats named Cece and Dede, and so on. Just wait til they get to the letter X. :)
One reason we were very interested in going to this alpaca farm was because Claire REALLY liked the alpacas we saw at the Farm Show in Jan. Well, when we were by all those alpacas, all she was interested in was the CAT.

The farm owner was a woman named Beth, who got into raising alpacas because she knits (seriously) and has owned a yarn store. Now she also sells items knitted from alpaca wool-- has a little shop set up in the old milk house of the stone barn.
Beth called this an "alpaca sandwich".

I won't tell you the name Katie gave this alpaca-- suffice it to say that she thought several of the alpacas looked like modern boys' haircuts. So she gave them names of people she knows. :)

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