"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

She's NINE!!

Very hard for me to believe, but our little Jenna isn't so little anymore! On Thursday, she turned 9 years old! Woo-hoo!
In my other posts, I mentioned what a fun day we had that day-- picnic, Wolfgang tour, park, alpacas. Then we went to Gpa and Gma's and had a little party-- presents and cake/ice cream and balloons. This picture is funny-- looks like she was going to sneeze on the cake. She didn't.
Presents-- swimsuit, dress, Pixie Hollow membership cards, favorite candybars, a new Bible and Bible cover, a Francesca Battistelli CD, and colored paperclips from Daddy so she can make paperclip chains to her heart's content. :)

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