"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, May 10, 2010

You Are Special

Oops-- these pics got on in backwards order. Above is the cast after the final performance. They had each made a square of a quilt to give to the music teacher.
Here are Katie and Claudia during their bows. I actually took these pics on Wed, during the dress rehearsal.

This is near the end of the play-- Punchinello (Katie) went to Eli's house to try to get help because everything was going wrong. This was one of my 3 favorite scenes of Katie's-- because she got really upset and dramatic. :)

This is another of my 3 favorite scenes-- because of the solo Katie sang in it. I'll try to put a few video clips in the next post. It's a song about working... "gotta keep working, working, working"-- the Wemmicks were having to work very hard to afford the meaningless, useless boxes they thought they all needed to have. This play had some great analogies for life. Really, there are so many things we think are important that really are useless. The box sellers in the play were starting to charge more and more for the boxes because "they were now collector's items". The Wemmick who sold glasses was charging more because she put her name on them-- and she said something like, "Really I should pay the customers to put my name on their glasses."

This was a pic of Katie on Monday-- they put costumes and make-up on for the first time, kind of as a trial run since the teens doing the make-up had never done it before, and there was a photographer there to take cast pics. I think they did a lot better with Katie's make-up later in the week, but you can see her cute costume here. :)
Katie totally LOVED being in this play. She LOVED being on stage. Not a bit nervous. On the way to the 2nd performance, I said, "It'll be nice to be at home in the evenings next week." She agreed but then said, "But I wish we could do a whole WEEK of performances. No, I wish we could do a whole YEAR of them. I wish we could tour the country!"
She esp loved her solos-- loved having the spotlight and singing out. Next year, I think Lori's going to try to do a play-- not a musical-- so more non-musical people can have lead parts. I asked Katie if she would like that, and she said she still would. :)

1 comment:

  1. I really, really wish I could have seen it! I love drama and musicals and all that stuff. Boo Hoo!!!
