"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Claire's Field Trip

Claire had a field trip yesterday-- she was Very, Very Excited. Daddy went along, so he got some good pics. Above is her on the bus, with her friend Jenna.

Their first stop was Uno's-- a pizza restaurant. They got to make their own personal size pizzas and then tour the restaurant while the pizzas baked. Their favorite part of the tour was probably the walk-in freezer. They did this all before 11am when the restaurant opens.

After the Uno's stop, they went to a park. Had tons of fun playing hard. Beautiful day! Really tired the kids out...

Last stop was at an animal hospital. This has been a favorite kindergarten field trip for years. Katie remembers loving it when she was 5.

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