"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, May 3, 2010

BIG praise!

BIG praise to God for safety-- Chad rode his bike to school on Friday. While on Rt. 11, heading toward the river, a car clipped his handlebar. Chad wiped out, but he was able to jump right up and get off the road. Several people stopped to make sure he was OK. The man who did it was about 75ish, and couldn't remember his phone number when Chad asked him for it. (Think maybe he shouldn't be driving?) The man's mirror was cracked at handlebar height, and Chad's handlebar was a bit bent.

Praising God for safety-- all he had was a bruise on one leg, a scrape on a leg, and a very small scrape on a finger. He got back on his bike and rode the rest of the way to school.



  1. Okay. I'm in a sappy mood and this hit my emotions. Good reminder that God is in control. PTL! MOM
