"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, May 10, 2010

Play videos

This solo is near the beginning of the play. Punch is wondering why he's such a failure when it seems like everyone else does things right.

I took this clip on Wed. This was the first day Katie knew she'd have this solo-- up until then, Claudia was going to do this one, but Katie had practiced it as an understudy.

I just love Katie's clear voice-- and good pitch.

Here's Katie's other main solo-- about working hard. She sang it all while scrubbing and working on the floor. The townspeople behind her join in after a while.

I know I'm biased. I'm her mother. But I was as proud as punch. :)


  1. So, are they up for a road show? We surely missed out on something special!
