"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Wowie! I wish you all could come to the play this weekend! Katie's really blossoming as an actress. And she loves it. :) It's a play with 6th-12th graders (but mostly middle schoolers), and she's one of the best there. She's being very dramatic, and she has great enunciation and projection with her voice.

Let me explain a little how it works. Katie is sharing the main role with another girl. Because it's such a huge memory part, Mrs. B wanted to have an understudy, but she didn't want one person to go thru all the work and then not be on stage at all. My solution to that would have been to have Katie do one whole performance and Claudia do the other, but Mrs. B really wanted to split it. Claudia and Katie are the same size, and both have brown eyes. With their costumes (which include yarn wigs) and make-up on, they look very much alike. Claudia has Puerto Rican skin, but that difference isn't very noticeable with the make-up. Their voices aren't identical, but I don't know how obvious that will be to people. It'll be interesting to hear what people think. I've heard it all so many times that I'm not a good judge.

So, Mrs. B has them each doing part of the play. Before yesterday, she had split it up so that Katie was doing about 1/3 and Claudia 2/3. However, Claudia was having trouble with one of the solos in her section and she was having trouble with all the memorization. Katie had that part down cold, so last night Mrs. B gave her that section as well. Now it's probably closer to 1/2 and 1/2. Katie was thrilled! And, at the end of the rehearsal (10pm last night), Mrs. B specifically complimented Katie on how well she's doing.

I'm tired-- such a huge week-- but I'm so glad Micah's not here. I don't know how I could handle taking care of him, too. Rehearsal yesterday was 8:30-12:00 and then 6:30 to 10pm. I did 4 lessons between the two rehearsals. And today it's 12:00 noon to 10pm. I will have an hour or so break in the middle while they are getting costumes/make-up on, so I'm going back to the school to do one piano lesson.

We'll definitely post pics after this weekend. I'll have the camera tonight at the dress rehearsal, too, so maybe I'll be able to sneak around to the front of the set and get a little video of Katie so I can put that on the blog, too.

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